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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Multiple image upload for gallery??

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Multiple image upload for gallery??
Started September 23, 2005 @ 7:48pm by fstopusa
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Posts: 7
Multiple image upload for gallery??September 23, 2005 @ 7:48pm

Is there a way to upload more than one image at a time to make an album in the galery? It gets quite tedious to have to do one image at a time. Can you FTP them and then link them or something else.



Posts: 625
September 23, 2005 @ 10:16pm

Currently there's no other way to add photos other than one at a time through the interface. We've had others request the ability to upload them in batches before, so we're working on something for the next version to address that.


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Last Edit: September 23, 2005 @ 10:56pm by otter

Posts: 7
September 24, 2005 @ 3:07pm
Thanks for the heads up on that. I will see if I can deal with it, but I may install another photo gallery script in the mean time. I have a bunch of photos and one at a time will kill me.


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