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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > General > Feature Requests > Site Search on this site +

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Site Search on this site +
Started April 1, 2008 @ 1:07am by cmebd
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Posts: 6
Site Search on this site +April 1, 2008 @ 1:07am
Hi There,

When trying to find a solution to a question I may have its very hard scrolling through all the forum(s).

Will there be a "site" search module available to alleviate repeated questions (from my perspective anyway).


Posts: 625
April 1, 2008 @ 1:38am
A search function is definitely high on our feature list. It becomes very complicated with FlexCMS because there are many different types of data stored in various formats. It's not as easy as most types of software where the data is all essentially same.

Most likely it will start with a forum search, and then get expanded to include other modules at a later time.

Depending on how frequently your site's content will change, you may be able to make something like the Google Site Search box work for your needs as well.


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