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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > AOL

FlexCMS Support Forum

Started January 13, 2009 @ 2:54pm by andie
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Posts: 4
AOLJanuary 13, 2009 @ 2:54pm
Hi, i have installed flexcms on a clients website but he cant access it through AOL, any ideas, thanks


Posts: 625
January 13, 2009 @ 3:02pm
Hi Andie,

When you say you can't access it, can you clarify that? Can he not view any pages on the site? Can he view pages but not log in? Can he log in but not modify content? Where is the problem happening?


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 4
January 13, 2009 @ 3:35pm
This was happening about 4 months ago and i think he was getting the " your not authorised to view this page " messege whilst just accessing the main page. I thought it had been fixed but he has been using IE without any problems but just happened to mention today that it still wont work with AOL. Ive written to him to find out the exact messege.

Posts: 4
January 14, 2009 @ 9:28am
This is what he is getting whilst just accessing the page

You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.

If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the www.amaretto2.com home page.
You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
Internet Explorer

AOL, couldnt help.

Posts: 625
January 14, 2009 @ 4:54pm

That's got to be something at the server level. I'd suggest sending that to the hosting company and see if they can shed any light on it. You could also suggest another browser such as Firefox or Safari to see if that works any better.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 4
January 15, 2009 @ 2:21pm
Ok, thx for the help.

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