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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > General > Feature Requests > Notifications and member info

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Notifications and member info
Started September 1, 2005 @ 1:30am by ddelor
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Posts: 34
Notifications and member infoSeptember 1, 2005 @ 1:30am
A feature I think would be useful is new registration and guestbook entry notices be sent to the administrator. I sometimes forget to check everything and get occasional posts to a guestbook that are inappropriate (links to "adult" sites etc).

Also on my wishlist, for members with the correct permission level to see others contact information without clicking on "edit" where they may accidently change something. Similar to the option to make your email address viewable would be great so each member could give permission for how much to share such as email, address, phone.

Posts: 46
bad word filterSeptember 2, 2005 @ 6:31pm
Related to this is that it may be useful to have something that filters bad swear words - changing them to **'s


Posts: 625
September 2, 2005 @ 6:50pm
Thanks guys. Both good suggestions, and we'll look into them for the next release.


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