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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > MOVING A FLEXCMS IN STALLATION

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Started February 17, 2007 @ 5:08pm by cberks
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Posts: 63
MOVING A FLEXCMS IN STALLATIONFebruary 17, 2007 @ 5:08pm
I have created a website for a local church using FLEXCMS and the hosting service I have for other applications.

Now that the church website is stable I would like to move it to your own hosting service would it be possible once the church has contracted the FLEXCMS hosting solution with you for us to backup the existing database and restore it on your hosting service and do what ever is necessary re the license information?

Regards, Chris

Posts: 625
February 17, 2007 @ 6:21pm

Yes, that's certainly possible. If their current host uses CPanel, a full site backup from that will allow it all to be restored exactly as they have it now, including email addresses, passwords, and things like that. If not, the database can be exported and then imported, and the files transferred via FTP.

As for FlexCMS itself, if the domain name is remaining the same there are no changes required to it. Simply moving the existing files and database will not cause any interruptions to it.


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Posts: 65
Moving siteJune 22, 2008 @ 12:00pm
Hi David,

I have a fully licensed "demo" site I created for a client using Flex. They like it and now want to go live.

They are currently hosting with another provider and will be moving to my server in the process.

I've setup a new account for them on my server and installed flex (the demo version). (I know I'll have to have y'all transfer the license to the new domain name to enable all the features - not ready for that yet).

On the demo site I'd added live members, customized menus, added pages, etc. Thought I could do a full site backup, move the backup file to the new account and do a flex restore. That didn't work.

To get all the custom stuff (which I think is all in the database), is it a matter of doing a full mysql backup from one site and restoring it to the other? (and then contacting y'all about the license <smile>). Is that the best way to go?


Posts: 625
June 22, 2008 @ 1:59pm

You're correct, the backup system doesn't work for moving a site to a new location. Really what it was designed for is restoring the site's data in the case of a catastrophic loss, and to do that you would install the base version again and then the backup would replace it with the previous files and database after running the restore. We do plan to include the option in the future to use backups as an install point on a different address.

As for your move, you've got a couple options. If you want to just replace everything with your other site, you can copy all the files and database over. If the URLs are different, you'll need to leave the "NewLKS" row in the core-Settings table as it previously was (or just go back and change it after importing the other database).

Alternatively if you just want to move a few parts such as pages and blocks, you could just pull those database tables over (core-Pages and core-Blocks, respectively -- they're all pretty logically named), and leave the rest as is.

If you run into any other problems just let us know and we'll see what we can do to help.


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Posts: 17
moving from subdomainAugust 1, 2008 @ 3:18am
hallo david!
i am almost ready to move my install, buy the full license, tweak and go live.

I currently have my demo - with a lot of content in place - on a subdomain. I did this thinking it would aid me when moving the install since I would not be moving the database....

I want to move the install to the main domain; can you tell me a little more about what i need to do - to preemptively avoid disaster?!

Can you explain more about the NewLKS settings since my url is changing?



Posts: 625
August 1, 2008 @ 1:37pm

If you're staying within the same hosting account and just changing the URL (such as moving into or out of a subfolder, or into or out of a subdomain - which usually is just a folder that's setup to access by subdomain), things are pretty simple.

Step 1: Change the Base URL of FlexCMS. This can be done through your Control Panel, under Modify Advanced Site Settings, then click "Click Here to Modify the Base URL" near the top. Go through that process and change it to your new site URL, and at the end you'll get errors that stuff can't be found (that's the desired outcome).

Step 2: Move all files and folders to match the new location moved to in Step 1. This should just be a matter of either downloading and re-uploading, or moving via hosting control panel or command prompt, whichever you're most comfortable with. Once the files are in their new location, your site should be all set. If you chose the download and re-upload route, go through and make sure the permissions for the various folders (most importantly: /pg_images, /images/uploaded, /images/articles, /images/store) match what they were before (likely 777 if you needed to do this), otherwise you may have problems uploading photos and images.

As for moving it to a paid license, that can be done any time, it won't have any effect on your existing site content or settings. If you purchase a license before you perform Step 1 above, you can switch licenses at the same time during that process. Otherwise, it's quick and easy to do through the control panel at any time by clicking on Synchronize License down at the very bottom of the left column.

Hope that helps. If you run into any issues just reply here or open a ticket and we'll see what we can do.


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Last Edit: August 1, 2008 @ 1:44pm by DCSun

Posts: 63
MOVING TO HOSTED VERSIONMarch 23, 2010 @ 12:15pm
We are revisiting moving a FLEXCMS installation from a privately hosted environment to your hosting with "Webbed Hosting" and we have a couple of questions

1) the "standard hosted" service comes with 200mb storage space -- is it possible to get more storage with the "standard hosted" if required and what is the price for additional storage

2) you previous pointed out that if our current host uses CPanel (which it does) a full site backup could be done and then restored on your hosting service - would there be a fee for this setup and if so what is the cost?

3) Would we be able to get everything set up on your hosting service and when satisfied that all is OK then redirect the domain name from current hosting to your hosting?

Thanks, Chris

Posts: 625
March 23, 2010 @ 1:00pm
Hi Chris,

Please write and we'll be happy to discuss the specifics with you. Yes, a CPanel backup can be imported, there's no fee for that, and you can access it before switching the DNS over if there's anything you're concerned about not working.


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