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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Upgrade error message

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Upgrade error message
Started April 1, 2009 @ 8:18pm by ddelor
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Posts: 34
Upgrade error messageApril 1, 2009 @ 8:18pm
I was going to wait a few days to upgrade but it looks so good, I just had to try it out so I upgraded an installation I haven't been using yet before uploading to 2 operating sites.(If I ever get back to working on my own site, I want to use FlexCMS)

I uploaded the upgrade files over the V2.5 files and ran the upgrade.php. I got this message:


Error on rename of './bearmark_flex/core@002dPages.MYI' to './bearmark_flex/#sql2-946-fdb86.MYI' (Errcode: 2)

How would I fix this?

Posts: 625
April 1, 2009 @ 9:18pm
Hi Donna,

Sorry to hear you ran into problems with the upgrade. That definitely looks like something on the system side with your MySQL database, so you'll want to get in touch with your hosting company and see if they can sort it out for you.


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Posts: 19
April 2, 2009 @ 3:08pm
I have exactly the same message and i don't think it could be anything to do with the hosting ...any ideas or do i have to start my site over again

Posts: 19
April 2, 2009 @ 3:19pm
on the front page of my site i'm getting the following

Source file and database versions do not match,
possibly due to a software upgrade in progress.
Please check back shortly.

If you have uploaded new source files,
run the database upgrade script to complete the process.

Sources version: 3.0
Database version: 2.5

but when i try to upgrade i get the other error

Posts: 177
April 2, 2009 @ 3:24pm
Hi Linns,

I just did an upgrade here and didn't have the issue either.

Have you tried going to the main url of you site and logging in? The upgrade may be complete - see if you can get to your domain/index.php and update here.


ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Posts: 19
April 2, 2009 @ 3:38pm
ye i tried that you'll see the error at

i have two other sites aswell that i've not tryed yet

Posts: 34
April 2, 2009 @ 3:45pm
I think David is correct, that it is the host. Are you by any chance with Host Gator? I have a support request submitted with them. I did search their forums and they have just upgraded MySQL and there was something about user names being truncated (but its all beyond me!)

From their forum:
The upgrade to MySQL 5.1 was supposed to be transparent and trivial from a user perspective, but MySQL 5.1 fixed a bug that resulted in the truncation of MySQL usernames to a maximum of 16 characters, including the required cPanel username and underscore preceding the database name. With these requirements in mind, MySQL usernames should be six or fewer characters.

The difference in usernames has caused customers with MySQL usernames exceeding 16 characters to experience problems connecting to their database.

I know my username is 8 characters itself, could this be whats wrong? Would uploading the copy of 2.5 back the way it was restore the site? Mine is no big deal as it's not yet the site I am using so even a reinstall would be easy enough. I'll post if and when I hear from my site support.


Posts: 19
April 2, 2009 @ 3:52pm
yes i am with hostgator and my user name is only 5 letter long so any recommendation ,i'm not to fussed about this site i could do it again quite quickly but i have two more that i'd hate to do over again mybe best just leave them be ,

Posts: 625
April 2, 2009 @ 4:10pm
Hi Linns,

Your site is still all there, just you can't see it at the moment because the upgrade process hasn't completed the other half (the new files are there, but the database is still at v2.5 until the upgrade.php script completes). If you need to get your site back you can re-upload the files contained in this file and that should get you back to a working v2.5 site.

The error that's been listed here is definitely a MySQL system error, not a query error, so it's something your host will need to resolve. It's also interesting considering the upgrade process doesn't rename any tables!


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 19
April 2, 2009 @ 4:15pm
Thaks i'll try that and see how i get on or maybe just install the nmew version .....will i leave my other two sites for now then

Posts: 34
April 2, 2009 @ 4:59pm
Well, I guess I'm not going to get much help from the host! Here is the reply:


Your username was already under the 16 character limit so the truncation had no effect in this instance

I also ran a check on the database and a repair but no errors were reported.

I see that there is a version discrepancy that you may need to resolve. Also the error you have supplied of

Error on rename of './bearmark_flex/core@002dPages.MYI' to
'./bearmark_flex/#sql2-946-fdb86.MYI' (Errcode: 2)

is indicating it's trying to rename a non-existent datafile. It should read core-Pages.MYI most likely. You may need to doublecheck with flexcms on this one unfortunately.

For this host, I can do a fresh install of the new version and see if that works?

Posts: 625
April 2, 2009 @ 5:19pm
Yes, try a full install of v3.0 and see if that does anything for you. It's hard to say.

Gotta love the whole tech support thing don't ya? Been there, done that! You might be able to get them to help you further if you get the right person. There's nothing special happening there, it is indeed supposed to be the "core-Pages" table. Here's the queries in the upgrade package that attempt to work with that table:


ALTER TABLE `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."core-Pages` ADD `BrowserTitle` TINYTEXT NOT NULL;

ALTER TABLE `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."core-Pages` CHANGE `PageLink` `PageLink` VARCHAR( 50 );

INSERT INTO `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."core-Pages` (`AdminLabel`, `PageParent`, `PageLink`, `PageTitle`, `TitleImage`, `PageContents`, `PageType`, `PageAlignment`, `TitleAlignment`, `NLtoBR`, `ConvertLinks`, `EnablePHP`, `PageEnabled`, `HidePage`, `StartDate`, `EndDate`, `MinLevel`, `MinEditLevel`, `ShowPrintable`, `ShowEmail`, `MetaKeywords`, `MetaDescription`, `BrowserTitle`) VALUES ".'(....

And that's it! Nothing special going on there at all.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 34
April 2, 2009 @ 10:57pm
Not expecting much from the host, I did a new install and all went well, no problems.

I am apprehensive about upgrading my husband's site, it has many members and even though it is a different host, I think the servers are at the same company. They have both been doing upgrades the past few months and there are so many complaints both places.

I am happy with the support here!

Posts: 625
April 3, 2009 @ 12:34am

You have a few options; Obviously the first would be to just do a new install and move your content over -- depending on the size and complexity of the site that might be fairly easy or a huge nightmare. You could also move your hosting to our servers or elsewhere -- I can guarantee you won't have a problem like that with ours, and most other providers shouldn't have that problem. And finally, we also offer our services for a very reasonable rate to migrate your site over to the new version through other means.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 34
April 3, 2009 @ 3:34pm
Thanks for the help! I'll have to start thinking about how to proceed with hubby's site, it's getting too big for me to handle (400+ MB) but hosting renewal is due in a month.

One more question on my installation, should the v3.0.data (it's 5,520 KB),v3.0.map and install files be left on the server? I can't remember back to when I did a new installation.


Posts: 625
April 3, 2009 @ 3:44pm

Yes, go ahead and delete those files (v3.0.data, v3.0.map, v3.0.sql, install.php), they're not needed for anything after the installation has been completed.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 10
April 8, 2009 @ 8:58pm

Quote (otter)

Hi Linns,

I just did an upgrade here and didn't have the issue either.

Have you tried going to the main url of you site and logging in? The upgrade may be complete - see if you can get to your domain/index.php and update here.


I'm having the same problem: The upgrade.php is sitting there blank, except the flex logo and the site displayes the following:
Source file and database versions do not match,
possibly due to a software upgrade in progress.
Please check back shortly.

If you have uploaded new source files,
run the database upgrade script to complete the process.

Sources version: 3.0
Database version: 2.5

I guess one question would be how long does the script run (reasonable amount of time) and is there any indicator, which shows the upgrade complete other than the site working?

Posts: 625
April 8, 2009 @ 9:17pm

Quote (phrawgh)

I'm having the same problem: The upgrade.php is sitting there blank, except the flex logo and the site displayes the following:
Source file and database versions do not match,
possibly due to a software upgrade in progress.
Please check back shortly.

If you have uploaded new source files,
run the database upgrade script to complete the process.

Sources version: 3.0
Database version: 2.5

I guess one question would be how long does the script run (reasonable amount of time) and is there any indicator, which shows the upgrade complete other than the site working?

Yes, you should get a message stating that the upgrade has been completed, along with a link to return to your site, if it all completes successfully.

It sounds like maybe a problem reading in the files and folders on your site. Did you try using the "Skip File Import" option towards the bottom of the first page on the upgrade.php script? My guess is that will solve your problem.

You can also try refreshing when you get to the blank page with the logo (and re-post the form data if it asks you to), or simply re-running the upgrade.php file, as it will pick up where it left off with the file import.

Let us know if you're still having problems and we'll see what else we can do to get you up and running.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: April 8, 2009 @ 9:18pm by DCSun

Posts: 10
April 8, 2009 @ 9:26pm
David, You the man. no seriously. Thanks for your prompt assistance.

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